Mindful Body - Dive Deeper with Petra (17.03.23 - english)
45-75 Minutes
1h 26m
Mindful body, this activating practice is your home. It connects you with your deepest, inner parts. It can be just a physical workout for you or you can dive deeper and see what is there, what is going on inside of you.
Up Next in 45-75 Minutes
Kundalini Yoga Balance with Ksenia (1...
Explore with Ksenia: What does Balance mean for you, on the physical, emotional, mental and on a soul level? She will then guide you through activating and clearing Kundalini practices.
Mindful Body with Olivia (18.03.23 - ...
Mindful Body is all about you. Whatever it is that you need: sweating, reconnecting with the inner self, feel and moving. This HIIT Training is not only about strengthening the body but also the mind.
Stretching mit Veronika (18.03.23 - g...
Veronika kombiniert Stretching Übungen für den gesamten Körper mit aktiver Atmung. Dadurch kannst du deine Muskel leichter loslassen und dich in den Positionen entspannen.
Für diese Klasse brauchst du: zwei Blöcke, einen Gurt oder Gürtel und einen Polster